We are here, every single one of us, at a cellular level, because of sex. For thousands of years, sex has been part of our lives, beyond algebra and physics. It wasn’t as much a passion project, as it was a practical solution. I started a sex-education foundation in Poland in 2017. Human Gay Pride Retro LGBTQ Rainbow Vintage T-Shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt To those who are LGBTQ+ phobic, I would ask you to confront your fears and be better. A Polish church that picks and chooses its dogma to manipulate an outcome is a direct contradiction of where Pope Francis is leading the Human Gay Pride Retro LGBTQ Rainbow Vintage T-Shirt Besides,I will do this Catholic faith in 2020 and beyond. So much of this behavior is fear-based and ignorant. We are a sum of parts, and to allow a faction to be marginalized or discriminated against is abhorrent and cowardly. (Photo by Omar Marques/Getty Images) The LGBTQ+ community in Poland lives in fear.